You could save thousands of dollars by knowing exactly what you’re buying. We’ll uncover potential issues with the home — before they become your problem.
Buying a new house is scary, especially for first-time home buyers. Many problems can be hidden or require a trained eye to notice. These include rotting floors, structural failures, moisture penetration, mold growth, electrical and fire hazards, and so on. Any one of these problems can turn a home into a money pit, or even put your family in danger. That’s where we come in. A professional home inspection from Hawk Home Inspections will help put your mind at ease and make the buying process easier.
We have the experience and knowledge necessary to give you a clear look at the current condition of your home. We combine a formal education with real-world experience in the field to bring an expert’s insight to every one of our home inspections.
The value of a home inspection comes from the potential cost of the issues it uncovers. We offer thorough inspections at competitive rates to ensure you get the most value, ultimately saving money and gaining confidence in your purchase.
We understand that you’re busy. We’ll work with you to schedule your home inspection at a time that works well for you. Although we strongly encourage you to tag along, your presence at the inspection is not required.
We’ve been certified by AHIT, the largest home inspector training institution in North America. AHIT provides some of the highest quality education in the home inspection industry.
available from 8:00 – 5:00
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